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I’m with the Parrot

Millie’s hysterical as Charlie, Chunky and Monkey race around the top of the fence and up and down the beech tree. If only she could climb - by the noise she’s making all grey and happy squirrels would be exterminated and I wouldn’t have to buy her food anymore. She’d be a prized terminator of grey vermin.

They’re gone now but Millie stays on patrol. Watching the fence for marauding clawed feet and sharped ears. If only God had given her massive toes with gigantic talons she’d be Tree Dog on a mission.

What was God thinking of, creating a creature without any predators! Or have we interfered so much with the symbiotic rhythms of earth, sea and sky and all the wild habitats of beauty, power and truth - so much so we puff out our arrogance and poke out our penises - well men not women - and take, tear down and destroy for no other reason other than because we can.

Doesn’t man need a predator? What if the flowers could fight back? Well I suppose they did in The Day of the Triffids. And what about the War of the Worlds when Martians came down to teach man a lesson? What does it take for us to live and let live?

Now we have a Norwegian lass called Greta who is rallying the youth of the world. ‘March’, she orders cutting through the bull shit of lies and deceit. As a matter of interest, why do we use the image of a bull shitting when man takes the biggest and stinkiest of dumps and drops them on whatever part of the universe he greedily sees. He gets the golden globe for shitting!

I digress. Yes. Millie is asleep now. Well, perhaps with one eye open. And we? Us? Mankind? Do we have one eye open? Or are we truly zonked out zizzing our planet into annihilation?

There’s this great big fat parrot who walks the woods at night somewhere on a the South Pacific island. He thumps like a beating kettle drum making a vibrating sound. ‘I am here, my darling, come to me’, he beats out his longing. ‘Our time is short and I want to make love to you’. But the beautiful bird is thwarted every evening he goes on his mission, for the female of the species is extinct! What the f has that beautiful creature ever done to man that he should be tramping around the forrest floor with his heart beating in his throat and holding on to nothing but hope.

They tried to do that to the Jewish race you know? This week we placed candles in our windows to mark the Holocaust. Beautiful people were exterminated. Beautiful people are being exterminated. Wave after wave of fascist anger crashed down on beautiful people destroying them. Here’s what Hey Siri told me:

“Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.”

Isn’t it what ever is in our way, whether an entire human race or a fat parrot, we want to forcibly suppress them, it?

Why can’t we live and let live?

Go with the flow?

What’s wrong with us?

Greta, the 21st century marching parrot, is beating her drum to far right authoritarian ultranationalism characterised by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in the early 20th century, is speaking of a new order now. The old ways have failed. The old ways have failed. The old ways have failed her drum beats out.

Even Millie, who watches and dreams that one day her back yard will be free of grey rodents shaking their bushy tails at her, couldn’t kill Charlie, Chunky or Monkey, even if they dropped in front of her. She’d be all of a dither.

So that you know - I’m with the parrot.

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